This began as a pinstriping business, so I would be remiss to not offer my skills! I can paint whatever you are willing to ship me. Feel free to email me for more information (shipping address, estimated cost, and to shoot ideas back and forth).
I can travel up to an hour outside of Chillicothe, Ohio to stripe on-site.
Hand painted Koozies, panels, cltohing, and more!
I love painting koozies, panels, vintage clothing, and more!
Feel free to browse my portfolio here to gain insight into my style and past work! If you see something you like, email me to see if it's available; if not, I bet I could replicate it.
Digital Art
It's no secret that I live and breathe the old-school biker lifestyle. My greatest inspirations are old posters that hang in my dad's garage. I turned myself into those old, psychedelic posters and I could turn you into one too! Just send me a picture of you, your loved one, or your bike and I'd love to work my magic! Email me with inquiries!